Computers and laptops tend to get slower over time. This is happens for a wide range of reasons - but you can improve the overall performance by doing regular maintenance. Fortunately, maintenance does not require you to be a tech wizard. Here are some simple things you can do to keep your computers running at…
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The Cloud Computing Revolution
You may have heard about the revolution cloud computing is making globally. If you haven’t, the revolution is happening right as you are reading this and you have most likely used several cloud-based systems yourself (and use them in your business). Some examples include Xero – this is a cloud based accounting system that is…
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What to do when your iPhone is liquid damaged
If you use iPhones in the day-to-day running of your business, you'll probably run into liquid damage at some point in the future. If this happens, wouldn't it be a waste to throw it away and buy a new one? After all, iPhones don't come cheap and you could rack up some unnecessary business expenses.…
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